- What is importance of home-work?
- Should it only be academic?
- Do you think it is helpful or is it only a burden?
Home-work is a revisional task assigned to a candidate for better performance. It keeps the candidate occupied and in touch with the studies. It is a part of traditional education and important method to make the candidate independent in his studies. It can be theoretical or practical. It depends on the subject. According to the survey, the practice subjects like maths, needs regular home- work because that increases the logical approach of the candidate.
During my school hood days, I remember the regular home works were assigned which used my capacity to study. But in higher classes, I was assigned the H.W on practical projects like chemistry and physics. But my favourite project was in social sciences. When my teacher made a group of 5 candidates to visit de-addiction centre, I visited there and felt very bad when I saw young boys, very tall and healthy, dipped in drugs. I found them in a very helpless stage. I prepared a questionnaire and asked them the reasons for taking drugs. Most of them were students and they were speechless. But few of them quoted the reason about family stress. This was a project which was very informative but on the other hand it made me feel very upset. I remember I recapitulated my project with the views that drugs are the silent terrorism given to the country by the neighbouring countries which is killing the modern youth and wiping off the strength of the country. I was rewarded for this project.